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List of articles in category 2002
Created Date
GM wheat portends disaster for Great Plains
17 September 2002
More on "GM crops are economic disaster", incl executive summary
17 September 2002
Pro-GM report is "pure rubbish" and directly contradicted by the USDA
17 September 2002
Bayer plans to cut another 4,700 jobs
16 September 2002
Britain funds pounds 13.4m GM programme in third world
16 September 2002
GM crop taints honey two miles away, test reveals
15 September 2002
NGIN attacked on BBC's 'Talking Politics'
15 September 2002
Tewolde Egziabher - "One genuine hero" of Earth Summit
15 September 2002
Black propaganda campaign explained/Monsanto files applications with Philippine govt for commercializing Bt corn
14 September 2002
GM firm recruits Short's aid advisor
14 September 2002
"Public debate" launched on farm-scale evaluations for GM crops
13 September 2002
GM crops in Africa: Implications for small farmers/Video for UK farmers
13 September 2002
Understanding Prajateerpu through the politics of autonomy: A gendered perspective
13 September 2002
Japan asks WFP to supply Zambia with corns that are not GM/UN respects Zambia's rejection of GM food
12 September 2002
World Bank man put in charge of WSSD implementation
12 September 2002
Goodbye GMOs
11 September 2002
AFJN denounces imposing GM food aid on Africa/Zambia to get wheat instead of GM food
10 September 2002
GM crops - FAO's tool for survival
10 September 2002
GM food is getting everywhere, and other stories
10 September 2002
Schmeiser wants to take it to the Supreme Court
10 September 2002
"Many thousands are dying" in black propaganda campaign
09 September 2002
Allergies/FAO forum report/Scottish trials
09 September 2002
Flakash reveals Monsanto funding Greenpeace genocide campaign
09 September 2002
South Asia, Canada farmers dialogue on future of agriculture
07 September 2002
Bt cotton fails in Maharashtra
06 September 2002
Ethics of GM-food labelling
06 September 2002
GM food and Orissa: The real story
06 September 2002
Small farmers from around the world fiercely opposed to GM/Uganda "totally against" GM seeds/US forces genetic foods on Africans
06 September 2002
Africa unites against GM to opt for self-sufficiency
05 September 2002
Jo'burg summit and why do the key GM food advocates oppose the Kyoto treaty?
04 September 2002
Rough ride for Powell at summit/Powell attacks Zambia and other southern African countries
04 September 2002
Fears over GM farm animals
03 September 2002
"Food Luddites let Africa starve"/Tainted aid
02 September 2002
Feeding the hungry and the bush fire of globalization
02 September 2002
GM foods: Fooling the world
02 September 2002
Plans to promote GM crops defeated
02 September 2002
Bayer found responsible for poisoning of children in Peru
01 September 2002
Blair's chief scientific advisor denounces US/GMOs and the Earth Summit/Zambian GM food aid decision highlights global problems
01 September 2002
Mr Chengal Reddy, the fake persuader?
01 September 2002
Greenpeace, Zambia reject US claim
31 August 2002
News from Jo'burg
31 August 2002
Africa's response: why Africa should reject GE contaminated food aid
30 August 2002
Here comes massive contamination... let's act!
30 August 2002
Getting down in the dirt with Prakash & Co
29 August 2002
So who's putting the bull in the bull#%$@ awards?
29 August 2002
US presses Africa to take GM foods
29 August 2002
World Bank announces GM crop review/Big Macs to feed the world
29 August 2002
Faulty lessons from America
28 August 2002
Sowing doubt - Two farmers' experiences with GM crops
28 August 2002
Bt corn - bitter harvest
27 August 2002
Engineered corn in maize confirmed - again!
27 August 2002
Prakash lies proliferate
27 August 2002
SciDev.Net on African hunger and GM maize
27 August 2002
US food industry has lost billions from GM crops
27 August 2002
Chorus of disapproval grows over modified grains/Hunger in a world of plenty
25 August 2002
Revolving door from DFID to agribiz/GM debate a sham/US to launch trade war
25 August 2002
Government agency involvement in attacks on citizens' jury report
23 August 2002
Monsanto wound up/Roundup-resistant weeds add to Monsanto's quotient of woe
23 August 2002
NAS on GM animals/FAO on world ag
23 August 2002
Southern Africa and GM food - Multiple items including statement of solidarity
23 August 2002
Stott vs Sharma
23 August 2002
USDA report exposes GM crop economics myth
23 August 2002
Dear Professor Moses... from the Soil Association
22 August 2002
GM at the Earth Summit
22 August 2002
The Averys on Mugabe and biotech/Kenya, Tanzania offer maize/Nature on poverty and GE
22 August 2002
UK government critic of Prajateerpu joins Syngenta
22 August 2002
Monsanto man to be WTO director-general's deputy/Golden rice/30 tonnes of GM contaminated maize incinerated
21 August 2002
Syngenta tries rice in fight for GM approval
21 August 2002
The secret plan to combine GM seeds with normal crops
21 August 2002
Another poisoned chalice in Africa/Zambia finally rejects transgenic food aid
20 August 2002
Bt cotton prone to leaf curl virus
20 August 2002
Corporate capture - George Monbiot on the Earth Summit
20 August 2002
Meacher's scepticism on GM crops reflects shift in opinion
20 August 2002
Press release - Keeping science honest
20 August 2002
Prof Prakash - Sent to lie abroad?
20 August 2002
Troubled Monsanto - Guardian article
20 August 2002
Crop gene 'could weaken medicines'
19 August 2002
Meacher attacks US 'pressure' over GM/Blair's great betrayal/Labour has been bought
19 August 2002
Monsanto admits "numerous problems" with transgenic pest control/Monsanto scales down GM food hopes
19 August 2002
'Blair is the enemy of the greens'
18 August 2002
Dozen arrested at Dorset GM trial site
18 August 2002
Terminator seed - Free video/More on acrylamide
18 August 2002
Acrylamide: It's toxic, it's everywhere and AgBiz can't replace it/The Monsanto connection
17 August 2002
GM storm looms/Blair walks through biotech minefield
17 August 2002
Labour must concede there is no case for GM crops
17 August 2002
Oxfam condemns distribution of food aid contaminated with GMOs
17 August 2002
Spread of GE seeds
17 August 2002
Africa is merely a pawn/Genetically modified company
16 August 2002
Death of Frankenfoods: Nailing the coffin shut - Biodemocracy #40
16 August 2002
Biotech blunder results in GM trial chaos
15 August 2002
Ministers suspend GM crop testing
15 August 2002
Scientists shocked at GM gene transfer
15 August 2002
Corn growers welcome pro-trade USDA GMO traceability program
14 August 2002
EPA may slap biotech wrists... possibly/Pharmacia spins off Monsanto/Bayer job cuts/Synthesis-Regeneration
14 August 2002
Organic attack from Nature editor
14 August 2002
The other side of the story from Zambia
14 August 2002
Trewavas's Nature article demolished
14 August 2002
Dear Prof Prakash...
13 August 2002
Korea in uproar over softening of GMO rules after trade talks with US
13 August 2002
Monsanto changes horses as GM seed biz goes lame
13 August 2002
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