via people's caravan
*******URGENT ALERT********
According to the Environmental Foundation Ltd Sri Lanka/ FoE Sri Lanka, the Secretary to the Ministry of Health and Indigenous Medicine has appointed an advisory committee to the Sri Lankan government with the possible intention of lifting the ban of imported GE foods indefinitely!!!!
This new committee has been formed without the knowledge of the Food Advisory Committee (FAC), also within the Ministry of Health and Indigenous Medicine. The call for a ban on imported GE foods was originally put forward by the FAC.
The new committee has been formed as a response to intense pressure from Embassies and the private trade sector. We understand the committee has been requested to make a recommendation to the government to potentially delay the ban indefinitely by THURSDAY THIS WEEK.
Millions of farmers, consumers and people's organisations working for safe food around the world are adamantly opposed to the genetic modification of food, its development and commercialisation.
As much pressure as possible must be exerted immediately on the Secretary to the Ministry of Health and Indigenous Medicine and the Sri Lankan government to uphold the ban on GE foods put forward by the FAC.
Express your concern today over the potential:
*Lifting of one of the most progressive GE-free legislative measures in the world to date, due to pressure exerted by both international and national pro-GE interests that have no concern for public health and the wellbeing of the environment.
*For Sri Lankan to become a dumping and testing ground for GE foods that have not been proven safe for human consumption.
Call upon the Sri Lankan government to uphold its position despite the intense pressures being exerted upon it. The Sri Lankan government has every right to protect its people from the potential and unknown impacts of GMOs; and for considering the ethical and moral objections people may have over GE foods and other products.
Please email:
Secretary, Ministry of Health and Indigenous Medicine, "Suwasiripaya" 385 Wimalawansa Mawatha, Colombo, 10, Sri Lanka. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please Fax:
President Chandrika Kumaratunga c/o Presidential Secretariat, Colombo, 01 Sri Lanka. Fax: +941 333 703/ +941 446 657
The Honorable John Seneviratne, Minister of Health , Ministry of Health and Indigenous Medicine, Colombo, 01, Sri Lanka. Fax: +941 694 227
For you reference the letter sent to the Secretary to the Ministry of Health and Indigenous Medicine and a Press Release by the Environmental Foundation Ltd Sri Lanka/ FoE Sri Lanka, is below.
The PAN AP office in Penang has forwarded a letter to the above contacts within the Sri Lankan government. PLEASE DO THE SAME NOW!
We would sincerely appreciate receiving copies of your letter for potential uploading onto our web site. For more information please contact: Jennifer Mourin OR Sarah Hindmarsh PAN AP
August 14, 2001
Secretary, Ministry of Health "Suwasiripaya" 385 Wimalawansa Mawatha Colombo 10
Dear Sir,
Lifting of Ban on GMFs
Environmental Foundation is a non-profit public interest organization working towards the conservation of the environment through legal means.
As a citizens group we are very concerned on the issues related to the Sri Lankan regulation to ban Genetically Modified Foods (GMFs) and the U.S. Government's pressure on the Sri Lankan Government on the same. We believe that genetically modified foods constitute are an untested and uncertain area and that Sri Lanka should not become a testing ground for such products.
We are amazed to learn that you have appointed a committee to look into this ban, and we understand the aim of this committee is to move towards moving the ban so courageously promulgated by the Food Advisory Committee (FAC) of the your own Ministry. We also understand that this committee has been appointed without the knowledge of the members of the FAC.
Earlier, EFL applauded the FAC for their persistence and courage in going ahead with a ban, in spite of international threats to challenge Sri Lanka's move before the World Trade Organization.
EFL has also written to the UN Human Rights Commission against the U.S. action and also has written to the U.S. President, asking to refrain from involving his nation in Sri Lanka's GMO ban as this would amount to interference with Sri Lanka's sovereignty.
Genetically modified foods are still untested and so far have not been proved safe consumption. It is deplorable that the government is willing to put economic gain and succumb to the international pressures of both international and local parties who have no care for the public health.
We therefore express profound disappointment at your actions, which will directly threaten the health and safety of the Sri Lankan public. This will set Sri Lanka back after it took such an advanced step applauded by activists everywhere.
Six months were already given to the private trade sector to come into line with the ban, and it was aware of the move for at least a year. We therefore urge you to let this ban go ahead on September 1, in accordance with the present regulations, and not to succumb to the unreasonable demands either of a mercenary few or of countries who have no right to interfere or threaten Sri Lanka's sovereign right to protect her citizens.
Yours faithfully,
Hemantha Withanage Executive Director
August 9, 2001
Environmental Foundation Ltd. has learned that the government is moving to lift the ban on genetically modified foods, a ban that had been courageously promulgated by the Food Advisory Committee (FAC) of the Ministry of Health.
It is understood that the Secretary to the same Ministry has gone over the heads of these members, and has appointed a committee without their knowledge, with a view to lift the ban enshrined in regulations set forth early this year.
It is also understood that this meeting is being called because of specific requests by the private trade sector and embassies here in Sri Lanka.
Earlier, EFL applauded the FAC for their persistence and courage in going ahead with a ban, in spite of international threats to challenge Sri Lanka's move before the World Trade Organization.
EFL has also written to the UN Human Rights Commission against the U.S. action and also has written to the U.S. President, asking to refrain from involving his nation in Sri Lanka's GMO ban as this would amount to interference with Sri Lanka's sovereignty.
Genetically modified foods are still untested and so far have not been proved safe consumption. It is deplorable that the government is willing to put economic gain and succumb to the international pressures of both international and local parties who have no care for the public health.
EFL therefore condemns the high-handed action of the Secretary in taking such an insupportable action that directly threatens the health and safety of the Sri Lankan public.
For more information, contact: Hemantha Withanage Executive Director Environmental Foundation, Ltd.
People's Caravan 2000 This information service is facilitated by PAN AP Pesticide Action Network Asia and the Pacific P.O. Box 1170, 10850, Penang, Malaysia. Tel: (604) 657 0271/ 656 0381 Fax (604) 657 7445 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Webpage: