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Is the ‘old’ Monsanto, the one responsible for producing Agent Orange, PCB’s and DDT and a terrible record at covering up and denying the tragedies that have resulted from their use, the same as the ‘new’ Monsanto, the one at the forefront of research in plant gene technology? This video argues their scientific and ethical track record is entirely relevant to what they do today. (Time 5:18)
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Workshop on glyphosate which on the 10 May at the European Parliament in Brussels. During the debate experts presented evident and discussed glyphosate’s possible negative effect on human health, specifically in relevance to the biological molecular processes, metabolism, genotoxicity, endocrine disruptors, antimicrobial resistance, and other serious health related concerns. This event was co-organised by MEP Pavel Poc, EuCheMS and ECTN. (Time 1:27:22)
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Workshop on glyphosate which on the 10 May at the European Parliament in Brussels. During the debate experts presented evident and discussed glyphosate’s possible negative effect on human health, specifically in relevance to the biological molecular processes, metabolism, genotoxicity, endocrine disruptors, antimicrobial resistance, and other serious health related concerns. This event was co-organised by MEP Pavel Poc, EuCheMS and ECTN. (Time 1:59:26)
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From America’s Lawyer on RT America: Mike Papantonio discusses the dangers and lawsuits that surround Monsanto’s RoundUp. Attorney Robin Greenwald joins Mike to talk about how the main ingredient in RoundUp, glyphosate, is linked to causing cancer. (Time 11:42)