A video on how important alfalfa is to food and farming, and the threat that GM alfalfa poses to family farms and organic production. Alfalfa growers do not need or want genetically modified (GM) alfalfa and have been trying to stop GM alfalfa in Canada for at least five years.
The introduction of Monsanto's GM herbicide tolerant (Roundup Ready) alfalfa would have serious negative impacts on many different types of farmers and farming systems, both conventional and organic. Because alfalfa is a perennial crop pollinated by bees, GM contamination is inevitable. Alfalfa is an important part of many of the foods we eat everyday. GM alfalfa was actually approved in Canada in 2005 but still needs to go through one more step before it can be legally sold as seed in Canada. For more information and action you can take see http://www.cban.ca/alfalfa.