Gene Editing videos
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Discussion around the new report by the French sanitary agency.
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Watch the recording of this educational webinar hosted by Soil & Health NZ on 23 January 2024, where we delve into the world of genetic engineering with Professor Jack Heinemann, an expert from the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Canterbury.
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The lobbying to deregulate gene editing in Europe - investigative journalism from ZEMBLA (on Dutch TV, English commentary and subtitles. Well worth watching.)
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Dr. Angelika Hilbeck, Agroecologist at ETH Zürich, explains that NGTs are "neither safe, nor precise", and that they ignore contextual factors.
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The European Commission's proposal to deregulate new genetic engineering techniques is irresponsible and dangerous, says Claire Robinson, expert in GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and director of action group GMWatch in an interview with De Andere Krant. According to Robinson, this is "an uncontrolled experiment" with major risks to health and nature. She fears that if the EU's plans go ahead, GMOs will be released around the world.
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What does an agroecologist have to say about New Genomic Techniques and the political process?