
Is there a link between glyphosate levels in breast milk and miscarriage?

Danish pig farmer Ib Pedersen has documented increased deformities and abortions in his herd, correlating with the amount of glyphosate in their urine. Now he's concerned about the reproductive health of American women after tests showed their breast milk contains high levels of glyphosate.

Ib told GMWatch:

"The level of glyphosate in American mothers' breast milk was up to 166ug/l or 0.166 ppm. That is high. My sows, which had 5 times the deformities, 5 times the abortions, and fewer pigs born in litters, had 0.028 ppm-0.048 ppm in their urine, compared to sows that only had 0.0028 ppm in their urine. That [0.048 ppm] is less than 1/3 of the amount in the breast milk.

"To get 0.028 ppm-0.048 ppm in the urine, the sows had to eat 1.1 ppm in their food. To get 0.0028 ppm in their urine, they had to eat 0.2 ppm in their food.

"Judging by my pigs, it is a wonder that these women can reproduce. The number of deformities and abortions in the pigs correlated with glyphosate levels in their urine. My sows with 0.048 ppm of glyphosate in urine aborted 1 in 20 pregnancies. Research should be carried out to see if there is a correlation between the amount of glyphosate in the women's breast milk or urine and the number of miscarriages they've had."

Interestingly, a study of farming families in Ontario, Canada found a higher than normal rate of late miscarriages and pre-term deliveries associated with male glyphosate herbicide exposure.

(Savitz DA, Arbuckle T, Kaczor D, Curtis KM. Male pesticide exposure and pregnancy outcome. Am J Epidemiol. 1997;146:1025-36)