Mostly taken from the GMWatch Twitter feed

*TAKE ACTION: Why cloning should be banned - write to your MP

*Scottish Government wants tighter controls on offspring of clones National Beef Association agrees.

*Canada: Federal government investigates cloned embryo claims

*Scotland: Politicians urge full parliamentary inquiry into 'cloned beef'

*US: US Dept of Agriculture (2008) asked for cloned animals to be kept off market "indefinitely" in "voluntary moratorium"

*US: The FDA says it "assumes that if clones were to pose food consumption risks, the only mechanism by which those risks could arise would be from inappropriate epigenetic reprogramming" (p. 8 of FDA report). Given the vast lack of knowledge about epigenetics, which in a sense has only increased in the three years since the FDA conducted their last literature search, this is at best a guess. FDA report:

US: FDA report: "CVM [the FDA's Center for Vetinerary Medicine] recognizes that cloning raises many ethical and economic concerns. These issues may be important to members of the public, however, they are not within FDA's mission and therefore not within the purview of this Risk Assessment." (pp. ii-iii)  

Compare: "...there is a clear reason to be concerned about the use of cloning in animal breeding. The production of cloned animals with the present procedures is associated with a greater than normal death of foetuses during pregnancy, difficulties at birth and death of animals after birth... In this country and the rest of Europe it is judged that the benefits in animal breeding that are gained by the use of cloning do not justify the risk of causing suffering to the animals." Professor Sir Ian Wilmut, the creator of 'Dolly the sheep'

US: Cloning corporations "have already turned meat-eaters into a test market for the safety of cloned meat" - Wired (2007)

US: "The likelihood that anyone [in US] could credibly say 'Our animals are not descended from clones' is zero" - Cloning corporation, ViaGen

Australia: Cloned cows hit TV news in Ausralia:

Australia - CSIRO: Cloning Animals "one in three cloned animals is born abnormally large or with other developmental problems" (And that's the tiny fraction that are actually born alive!)

TAKE ACTION: Why cloning should be banned - write to your MP