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Help GMWatch continue to expose the industry’s propaganda and propagandists!

We hope you like what we do and the fact that all our many thousands of articles, different newsletters, and other resources on the GMO debate, are all free for anyone to access.

You may have also noticed that we don’t shove annoying pop ups in your face when you try to enter or exit our site, nor do we expose you to any external advertising. And miracle of miracles, we don’t make you accept or reject all kinds of cookies every time you drop by – because we steer entirely clear of them! Our site also runs on open-source software, as does almost every aspect of our server, which means you can be confident when visiting the GMWatch site that Big Tech isn’t grabbing your data or tracking your every mouse stroke.

In short, not only do we try to provide an exceptional globally relevant news and information service that has been called “timely, reliable and technically astute”, but we also try to make accessing it as hassle-free, safe and reliable as we possibly can.

But to keep operating in this non-pushy and independent way we do need your support – not least because institutional funders have increasingly turned their back on those of us challenging the industry’s GMO/pesticide onslaught.

The very best way you can support us is through a regular donation. Even the smallest regular donations mount up to something significant over time and, just as importantly, their predictability allows us to plan ahead.

So we hope you will help us continue to expose the industry’s propaganda (and propagandists!), while being welcoming to all our readers, by making a regular donation to GMWatch.

You can donate in whatever way you like, with a choice of different currencies, here. You don't need a PayPal account and can use a debit/credit card if you prefer.

Thank you! And special thanks too to our existing donors. GMWatch would not be here without your generous support.

Claire Robinson and Jonathan Matthews
Directors and editors of GMWatch

What they say about us

“The work of GMWatch is unique in its timely and thorough analysis of the latest developments on genetically modified crops and foods. They are a most reliable source for anyone who wants to keep informed about the latest scientific and regulatory developments in this highly complex and fast evolving field.” – Dr Barbara Van Dyck, associate professor at the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience at Coventry University

"GMWatch is an invaluable support to our campaigns, one I can always rely on to keep me up to date on all developments regarding GMOs and pesticides, and the science on their risks. GMWatch holds great historical knowledge as to how different lobby outfits operated to hype the benefits of GMOs or to undermine their safety rules. I warmly recommend everyone to support GMWatch!” – Nina Holland, researcher and campaigner on agribusiness and GMOs, Corporate Europe Observatory

“GMWatch is hugely important to us, and to the wider movement for a responsible, fair and sustainable food system – we would really struggle without them.” – Liz O'Neill, director, GM Freeze

“The only thing that stands between us and corporate domination is NGOs like you. Keep on keeping on.” – E. Ann Clark, retired associate professor, Plant Agriculture, University of Guelph, Canada, and organic farmer