Appointments continue tradition of actual or potential conflicts of interest with the GMO industry. Report: Claire Robinson
A step back on biosafety, a step forward on traceability and labelling
But new GMOs will still be subject to labelling and traceability, thanks to a strong campaign supported by hundreds of thousands of citizens
Crucial questions on future regulation of NGT plants still unresolved
South Africa's Ag Minister overrules Industry and Appeal Board
Fruits supposedly improve quality of sleep. Report: Testbiotech
The "could happen in nature" argument is a meaningless distraction and says nothing about the safety of gene technologies, explains Prof Jack Heinemann
WePlanet – the ecomodernist group behind the letter – is accused of smelling of astroturf. By Jonathan Matthews and Claire Robinson
"Betrayal of the Green Deal to please the likes of Bayer and BASF"
MEP backing for GMO deregulation threatens rights of farmers
Says “grave concerns” about deregulation proposals are fully justified and not remotely “anti-science”
New GMOs can be radically different from their natural non-GMO counterparts, even when the changes made are apparently minor, writes Testbiotech
Absurd amendments are proposed by the rapporteur. Report: Testbiotech
Criteria for defining GMOs to be excluded from all assessment, labelling and traceability are not based on any scientific justification, says farmers' group
Detection methods must be demanded from the developer as a condition of approval. Briefing by Claire Robinson of GMWatch and Pat Thomas of Beyond GM / A Bigger Conversation
The GM canola, newly approved in Norway to feed farmed salmon, is engineered to be grown with an EU-banned herbicide and contains oils that caused deformities in butterflies. Report: Claire Robinson
ANSES says there is "no scientific basis" for Commission's proposal to remove regulatory safeguards from new GMOs. Report: Claire Robinson
Trade dispute panel rescinds invitation to Canadian expert groups to submit official comments
According to the Aurelia Foundation, deregulation of new genetic engineering (gene scissors) is not a smart political move, but a serious threat to biodiversity
New paper is "critical step forward in filling knowledge gaps of glyphosate carcinogenicity in humans". Report: Claire Robinson
Glyphosate may be "critical environmental trigger" in wheat sensitivity, bowel diseases, and some mental illnesses, say scientists. Report: Claire Robinson
Pediatricians urge more transparency and more research on GMO foods. Report: Claire Robinson
GM tree currently under US government risk assessment does not work, says American Chestnut Foundation
Calls for mandatory risk assessment intensify, Testbiotech reports
Today's outcome is "a relief for nature protection, our right to transparency, our right to know what we buy and eat, and our freedom of choice"