
New animated video: Why GM poplars are a false solution to climate change

The Belgian action group Field Liberation Movement (FLM) has published a new animated video that explains the flaws in the GMO poplar tree field trial taking place in the Flemish countryside.

The GM poplars have been modified to be weaker, as researchers hope this will enhance their ability to serve as raw material for biofuels.

The Flemish Biotechnology Institute (VIB) has applied for a patent on numerous tree species with this characteristic. The VIB is publicly funded, but it has multinationals like Syngenta, Bayer and BASF in its governing bodies.

The FLM says large-scale tree plantations are not biodiverse, and are not equivalent to natural forests. They also lead to land grabbing, harming local and indigenous communities.

The video (6 min.) is available in Dutch and French, and with English subtitles.

Please help publish the video and/or distribute through your communication channels.

Information about past actions and background on the GM poplar field trial can also be found on the website: