
Eldis, "the gateway to development information", is now offering an IPR Resource Centre, containing research, job postings, links and an extensive searchable archive on the subject of IP.

Week beginning: 6 August 2001 6,423 reviewed documents | 3,423 organisations| 123,324 web pages

[examples only from] Our Editor's highlights [links at:]:

No patents on rice, no patents on life Updated statement from people's movements and NGOs across Asia calling for the protection of rice farmer's rights, prohibition of GM rice, and support for sustainable agriculture

Biopiracy in Borneo A potential cure for HIV found in the Bintangor tree in the Sarawa jungle... but who benefits?

Pfizer's philanthropic programs: adequate solution for the developing world?

Oxfam says that the $266 billion company has aggressively enforced its patents in poor countries, forcing the price of important life-saving drugs up

Biotechnology will bypass the hungry An analysis of the UNDP Human Development Report 2001


"For some, talk of "sustainable agriculture" sounds like a luxury the poor can ill afford. But in truth it is good science, addressing real needs and delivering real results. For too long it has been the preserve of environmentalists and a few aid charities. It is time for the major agricultural research centres and their funding agencies to join the revolution." THE GREENER REVOLUTION February 3, 2001 Editorial, New Scientist